Wednesday, January 25, 2012

JAN 25

After not much sleep last night the bracing cold of today was a eye opener. I am finally figuring out fahrenheit, celcius thing. It was 0 degrees celcius today. This was our last day of orientation and we were broken into small groups and sent out to various parts of the city to get the lay of the land. We visited the Christianborg Castle Square, the Vor Frue Krike (rolls right off the tongue doesn't it!) which translates to Church of our Lady, this was followed up by the Greyfriar Square and then the Royal Palace. There was a professor at every stop to give us the history of the area. We had a couple of whiners in the group that wanted to get out of the cold and sit in a cafe. This would mean skipping a stop. I said this is costing me 83.33 a day - time to put your big kid pants on and keep moving. By the time we got back to school my fingers looked like little vienna sausages. Truly amazing scenery though. I must add that I have a pretty good since of direction, but not when you plop me into the center of a medieval city. Man alive.

A little family history- my grandma used to sing in all kinds churches and my aunt Priscilla used to play the piano and organ. When I was growing up my grandma would take me garage sales and churches for fun. I now waddle away many summer weekend mornings garage saling for fun. I was reminded today that I really enjoy looking at churches. And not just the outside. I sat in the Church of our Lady and listened to the organist play. It was soothing and beautiful.
When I was leaving for the day another student that I met on the plane asked if I wanted to go hear the organist at Saint Peter's Church. It was just a 15 minute performance, but again, just awesome.

On the quite train ride home I realized I have had this particular feeling a few times in my life. It is as if this "outer me" knows what I need to do in life. It just has to convince the "inner me" to actually do it. I have to override the fear, the negative self talk. But when I actually do it. When I actually combine these ambitions with action I am overwhelmed with the most amazing bliss. The sense that I am doing exactly what I need to be doing at exactly the right time. I have only really had that feeling three times. Marrying Tom, moving to Portland, and studying in Copenhagen.

On to the pictures for the day! Lots of buildings today. There was a small smattering of people doing funny things or signs that made me laugh. Enjoy! I sure the hell did!

I walked past this alley and noticed the stroller. Creepy. Turns out there was a whole bunch of kids and parents around the corner. The strollers here are really nice and cozy. Parents just park them on the sidewalk or in the alley evidently.

 This could be yours Karen. Just a 1000 dollars!

Looking down the stairwell in one of my school buildings. NARROW! The building is 300 years old. Now that is sustainability.


Church of our Lady

Notice that Jesus is not on a crucifix or his mother's lap.


All the school children where these one-piece snow suits and they wear little back packs. ADORABLE!

Performing arts building. Often the buildings that have that dirty, black ash look are the ones that survived the fires of the late 1700's.

I thought about getting a Viking tattoo to really summarize my trip to Denmark. Then I learned you can't get them on your neck so I decided against it.

So this guy is dressed up as the big bad wolf costume and you can get your picutre with him. It all seemed so normal until he drooled on the guy in my group.

Who doesn't want a prtable hotdog cart with an umbrella?

Last church of the day.

Enjoy the day my friends. More tomorrow.


  1. I love seeing your pictures sweetheart. I'm so proud of you.

  2. Oh yes! This is much easier. Good job Watts broad.

  3. A visit to Europe sure changes your perspective on history. Where our buildings are about two - 300 hundred years old, the buildings there are centuries old. A large magnitude of difference. What amazes me most is that not only are they still standing, but they are still in use!

    Looking forward to the next post! Love you Sweetie.
