Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Janurary 6th -

On January 21 I leave my beloved home in Portland, OR and head off to study abroad in Copenhagen for four months. I have been planning this trip, applying for scholarships, gathering supplies, contacting banks, filling out paperwork . . . for the last six months. I am now just two weeks away and am absorbed in a state of shock and awe. Soon Tom and I will be exploring an "aloneness" neither of us has known for 15 years. We talked about it this morning as we sent our dear friend Mike back to Indy where he will now reside. The three of us have been a tight group for three years now. Mike is the first to depart and explore a new segment of his life. I will soon follow. Tom will be exploring his new found alone time here in lovely, rainy Portland.

The idea that life is what you make has been simmering on the back burner for a long while. This past year and half I have steadily explored that idea and moved it to the forefront. I had/have a really great coach who challenged me to fill out this 75 page goal worksheet. I breezed through the first section that laid the ground rules and foundation ideas about how the process for visualizing what you wanted your life to be like for the next year. The pyramid for this road map goes as follows: Foundation, Vision, Theme, Action Steps, Achieve Goals. Do not let the simplicity of such a simple process fool you as it did me. I have been stuck on "Vision" for the last six months.


  1. Hi Meegan, I am so, so proud of you! I remember when we began talking about this adventure and working through the obstacles that were in your way. I can't tell you how excited I am for you and am looking forward to your updates from Copenhagen.

    Very best,

  2. Having great coaches, mentors, and friends is a concept most Danes understand and live by implicitly, Meegan. After all the planning, your adventure finally begins. You demonstrate remarkable courage in what is sure to be a life-changing event. Enjoy Denmark, enjoy the Danish people; you're now living among the "happiest people on earth." You're not floundering now; you're showing your strength, and setting an incredible example for the people who know you.
