Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feb 17-22

Well I have certainly been a busy bee. My Urban Design class started the individual portion of our assignments. This meant I needed to learn Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign, in about 72 hours. So I did. Not much sleep was involved in the whole thing. I have included some pictures of the model and the presentation board. We then presented them to a group of students and professionals in the urban planning field. This was a stressful experience, although I got some good feedback on things I needed to work on, as well as things I did well.
Look what I made!
Not my prettiest model to date, but it got the point across.
Poor Sarah. She had been up for close to 36 hours working on her project. I, on the other hand...not that dedicated.
There is a bakery across the street. Some students went over when they were throwing out the old Danishes and bread. I have to admit that I really wish I could eat it too.
Susie is my bus mate, sits across from me in the studio, and is my hostel mate. I heart her.

So, that is what I have been up to for the last week. I have had the opportunity to make a few observations and realizations during this sleep-deprived week. One, this city is not clean. Especially not on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning. People drink a lot. Therefore, the streets have a good deal of vomit, urine, and cigarette butts lying around. I know this is gross but it must be talked about because it is, unfortunately, a lot of what I experience. I don't think it is this way all over Copenhagen. I think it is mainly in the old downtown section. That just also happens to be where school is. Oh yeah, then there is the dog poo. Really, there is so much of it that I am primed to do a photo montage. Nobody will want to see it, but I will make it none the less.

This leads me to my realization: cleanliness has nothing to do with happiness. These people are great. They are friendly as can be. They are well educated and speak multiple languages. And yet  . . . see previous paragraph.

On the positive side, I have lost 8 pounds, still adore my roommate Greta, am really happy with my professors, love getting to explore new parts of the city, and I meet wonderful people every day.

Sure do miss Tom, Betty, and Portland.

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