Let me start off by saying how very cold it is. 19 degrees with a 14 mph wind. Of course that wind is coming straight out of the Arctic Circle. Smart wool is not enough. A wool sweater? Not enough. It is two shirts, a yak sweater (because sheep have nothing on the yak), a jacket, two pairs of pants, and thick socks kind of cold. My tender Portland bones have a hard time keeping my marrow warm. I actually kept pace with the Danes walking down the street. I was ready to break into a steady jog just to keep warm. When I got home, my family offered me a spot by the fire and a glass of red wine. Have I mentioned how much I love these people?
I am settling into a routine on week two. I have class three days a week. The other two days will need to be spent in downtown (the medieval section) doing homework. My history class is going to be rather intensive. We have to visit 15 historical sites to take pictures of and write about. That is assignment one. He said we "will know more about Copenhagen than the average Dane". That is what I am paying for.
My studio class is interesting. We are walking through the steps of redesigning Axeltorv. It is a square just outside of Tivoli. We have done our site research and are now brainstorming ideas for the space. My teacher is very talented and gives excellent feedback (an ability that is surprisingly hard to find).
Circus building on Axeltorv.
Southern view of Tivoli.
A trip to the supermarket. The fish section is pretty great.
Red fish, blue fish.
Jar fish, tube fish.
Red fish, blue fish.
Jar fish, tube fish.
I finally found the Goodwill equivalent! I didn't buy anything but it was refreshing to look at clothes I could afford. This is in contrast to Copenhagen Fashion Week which has brought many unique fashions to the streets. And oh, the eye makeup! I tried many times to get pictures, but until someone gets me a spy cam, there will be none. I will soon be learning Photoshop and InDesign in my studio class. This will make it much easier to blur the faces of those I can catch with my spy cam (that someone should get me for my birthday or significant gift giving holiday).
Greta and I are both a bit under the weather this morning. Little Asta started a new day care and so we are bombarded with new germs. We both tried to get some extra sleep last night, going to bed at 10pm. We have been staying up till 12 or so working on homework. Her architecture program is far more intense than my urban planning. It is similar to what I remember going through at PCC. Lots of late nights working on models and plans. I think it will be the history course that really gets me. I kind of wish I had signed up for Danish language classes instead. Evidently they teach lots of practical phrases like: 'Do you speak english?','My Danish is limited', 'Where is the restroom?', and 'May I have a cafe latte?'
I think in the coming weeks Greta and I may venture out for a glass of wine and snack. We both come home right after school, as home is such a pleasant place. It is warm and inviting. Last night at dinner we were all having a good laugh, at my expense of course, about the name Tarzan (the cat). I asked Jesper soon after arriving what the cat's name was. When he replied 'Tarzan', I repeated it back slowly as if the word was Danish for I- don't-know-what. He repeated again only using a strong A sound to which I replied, "Oh, Tarzan. As in the guy who hangs out with Jane". He laughed and said yes. So now every time I ask him to repeat something he responds with an American accent and an Americanized A sound.
Today is Asta's birthday party so the house will be filled with rowdy Danes, who will mostly be speaking Danish. As they should. Greta and I will in turn be attempting to understand as much as possible. A quick nap, some cold medicine and we are good to go.
I went shopping with Nina, Sophia and a friend of theirs. She too has big feet. She said she knew a great place to buy shoes for people with big feet like ours. We walked up and I fell over in laughter. Really. Gaint Shoes. Like I need to be reminded. Clearly marketing is different in Denmark.
Tarzan snuck into bed while I was getting ready. I pulled back the covers because I heard his purring. Kitty!
Beer and Bikes. I wish this had come a out a wee bit better. Just up the street is a stack of 30 or so bikes. Lots of beer. Lots of bikes.
I almost forgot; per Karen's request - This is the view of the outside of the Round Tower.
Coppenhagen looks like the world of Harry Potter. I love the owls next to the door. It makes it look like a wizard school. I slept all day being bombarded by multiple illnesses. Caught up on Portlandia tonight. They went to to the dog park we go to on Halsey. Did I mention Charlene was in one of their episodes? Of course she was.